How to get from Budapest to Vienna

How to get from Budapest to Vienna

Welcome to ForTravelLovers, your trusted source of information to plan your trips. In this article, we will provide you with all the details you need to know about schedules, prices and transport options for traveling from Budapest to Vienna. In addition, we will give you tips to find cheap tickets and compare different transportation alternatives. Let's get started!

transport schedules

If you are planning to travel from Budapest to Vienna, it is important to know the available transport schedules. Both trains and buses offer regular connections between these two cities. Trains are usually the quickest option, with frequent departures throughout the day. On the other hand, buses are also a convenient option, with schedules to suit different preferences.

Transport prices

As for prices, it is advisable to compare the rates of different transport companies to find the most economical option. Train and bus ticket prices may vary depending on the season and how far in advance the reservation is made. Additionally, it is important to note that prices may be higher during peak demand periods, such as weekends or holidays.


Trains are a popular choice for traveling from Budapest to Vienna due to their comfort and speed. The duration of the train journey is usually approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. Train ticket prices may vary depending on the class and type of train. It is advisable to book in advance to get the best prices and secure your place on the train.


Buses are also a convenient option for traveling from Budapest to Vienna. The duration of the bus trip is usually approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes. As with trains, bus ticket prices can vary depending on the company and how far in advance you book. Some bus companies offer special discounts for students or groups, so be sure to check all the available options.

transportation options

In addition to trains and buses, you can also consider traveling by car from Budapest to Vienna. This option gives you the freedom to explore different places along the way and make stops at places of interest. However, you should take into account additional costs, such as car rental and road tolls.

Cheap tickets and comparison of options

If you are looking for cheap tickets for your trip from Budapest to Vienna, we recommend following these tips:

  1. Book in advance: Tickets are usually cheaper if you reserve them in advance. Try to book your tickets at least a couple of weeks in advance to get the best prices.
  2. Compare different companies: Don't limit yourself to just one transportation company. Compare the prices and services offered by different train and bus companies to find the most economical and convenient option for you.
  3. Flexibility in dates: If you have flexibility in your travel dates, you can take advantage of the special offers and promotions that some transportation companies offer on certain days of the week.
  4. Use online comparison tools: There are several online tools that allow you to compare prices from different shipping companies in one place. Use these tools to save time and find the best deals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the best transportation option to travel from Budapest to Vienna?

The best transportation option depends on your personal preferences. If you value speed and comfort, trains are the most recommended option. However, if you are looking for a cheaper option or want to have flexibility in your schedules, buses can be a good alternative. If you prefer to explore different places along the way and make stops, traveling by car can be an interesting option.

2. When is the best time to book cheap tickets from Budapest to Vienna?

The best time to book cheap tickets from Budapest to Vienna is in advance. Try to book your tickets at least a couple of weeks in advance to get the best prices. Also, avoid peak demand periods, such as weekends or holidays, as prices are typically higher at those times.


In short, traveling from Budapest to Vienna is an exciting experience full of possibilities. Both trains and buses offer convenient and accessible options for making this trip. Remember to compare the schedules and prices of different transportation companies to find the option that best suits your needs and budget. We hope this article has been helpful in planning your trip! Until next time!

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