How to get from Prague to Budapest

How to get from Prague to Budapest

Welcome to, your trusted source of information for planning your trips. In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need to travel from Prague to Budapest, whether by train, bus, car or plane. In addition, we will give you tips on how to find cheap tickets and train and bus schedules, as well as options for traveling by night train. Let's get started!

1. Train trip

One of the most popular options for traveling from Prague to Budapest is by train. The duration of the direct train journey is approximately 7 hours, giving you the opportunity to enjoy the scenery along the way. Trains depart regularly from Prague Main Station and arrive at Budapest Keleti Station. It is advisable to book tickets in advance to ensure you have a seat.

Train schedules

Train times may vary, so it is important to check the train companies' official website for the most up-to-date information. Some of the train companies operating on this route are Czech Railways (České dráhy) and Hungarian State Railways (MÁV).

cheap train tickets

If you are looking for cheap train tickets, we recommend booking early and taking advantage of the offers and discounts available. Also, keep in mind that ticket prices may vary depending on the season and the class of service you choose. Check train company websites and use price comparators to find the best options.

2. Bus trip

Another option to travel from Prague to Budapest is by bus. Buses are an economical and comfortable alternative, with a travel time of approximately 8 hours. There are several bus companies operating on this route, such as FlixBus and RegioJet. Buses usually depart from Florenc bus station in Prague and arrive at Népliget bus station in Budapest.

Bus schedules

Bus schedules may vary depending on the company and season. We recommend that you check the official websites of the bus companies for the most up-to-date information. Also, keep in mind that some buses may have intermediate stops in other cities, which may affect the total duration of the trip.

Cheap bus tickets

If you are looking for cheap bus tickets, we recommend booking in advance and keeping an eye out for special offers and promotions. Some bus companies offer discounts for students, youth or groups, so be sure to check if you qualify for a reduced price.

3. Travel by car

If you prefer the freedom of driving yourself, you can choose to travel from Prague to Budapest by car. The distance between the two cities is approximately 550 kilometers and travel time may vary depending on traffic conditions. The most direct route is via the D2 motorway and the M1 motorway. Remember to bring the necessary documents with you, such as your driving license and vehicle insurance.

Tips for traveling by car

Before embarking on your car trip, be sure to check the traffic conditions and plan your route in advance. It is also important to take into account tolls and speed limits in each country. Also, consider the option of sharing the trip with other travelers to reduce costs and make the trip more enjoyable.

4. Air travel

If you prefer to get to Budapest quickly, you can choose to travel by plane. Several daily flights connect Prague International Airport (Václav Havel) with Budapest International Airport (Ferenc Liszt). The duration of the flight is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. Check airline websites to find the most convenient flights and the lowest prices.

Tips for finding cheap flights

To find cheap flights, we recommend booking early and being flexible about flight dates and times. Use price comparators and subscribe to offer alerts to be aware of the best opportunities. Also, consider flying on weekdays, as prices are usually lower than on weekends.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is it safe to travel by night train from Prague to Budapest?

Yes, traveling by night train from Prague to Budapest is safe. Night trains are usually equipped with private compartments and adequate security measures. However, it is advisable to take common precautions, such as keeping your belongings safe and being aware of your surroundings.

2. What is the best time to travel from Prague to Budapest?

The best time to travel from Prague to Budapest depends on your personal preferences. Both cities are beautiful year-round, but if you prefer to avoid the crowds, we recommend avoiding the summer months (June to August) and opting for spring (April to May) or fall (September to October). Also, keep in mind that the weather can be cold in winter, so be sure to bring warm clothing if you travel during that season.


In short, traveling from Prague to Budapest is an exciting experience full of options. Whether you choose to travel by train, bus, car or plane, each option has its advantages and disadvantages. Remember to plan ahead, look for cheap tickets, and check for up-to-date schedules. Enjoy your trip and discover the beauty of these two wonderful European cities!

Until next time,

The Team

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