How to get from Vienna to Bratislava

How to get from Vienna to Bratislava

Welcome to ForTravelLovers, your source of trusted travel information. In this article, we will provide you with all the details you need to know about train times and prices running from Vienna to Bratislava, as well as other transport options available. We will also give you tips on how to get from Vienna to Bratislava and what places to visit in the city. Let's get started!

Train schedules and prices

If you are planning to travel by train from Vienna to Bratislava, you will be happy to know that there are numerous options available throughout the day. Trains run frequently and the journey takes about an hour. Schedules may vary, so we recommend checking the train company's official website for the most up-to-date information.

As for prices, these can also vary depending on the type of train and the class in which you want to travel. Train tickets are generally quite affordable and offer a comfortable and convenient way to travel between these two cities. We recommend booking your tickets in advance to ensure you get the best prices.

Other transportation options

In addition to trains, there are also other transportation options for traveling from Vienna to Bratislava. If you prefer a different experience, you can consider taking a ferry, bus or even a boat.

Ferries are a popular option for those who want to enjoy a scenic trip along the Danube River. There are several companies that offer regular services between Vienna and Bratislava, and the ferry journey usually takes around 75 minutes. Prices vary depending on the company and the season, so we recommend you check the schedules and prices on their respective websites.

Buses are also a convenient and economical option for traveling between these two cities. There are several bus companies operating on this route and the schedules are frequent. Prices are usually lower than the train, but travel time can be a little longer.

If you are looking for a unique experience, you can consider taking a boat on the Danube River. Some companies offer day cruises from Vienna to Bratislava, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the river and explore both cities. Prices vary depending on the length of the cruise and the services included.

Directions from Vienna to Bratislava

There are several ways to get from Vienna to Bratislava, and the choice will depend on your preferences and budget. Here are some options:


As we mentioned above, trains are a popular and convenient option for traveling between Vienna and Bratislava. Trains run regularly and the journey takes about an hour. You can check the schedules and prices on the train company's official website.


If you want to enjoy a scenic trip along the Danube River, you can choose to take a ferry. Ferries run regularly and the journey takes around 75 minutes. You can get more information about schedules and prices on the ferry companies' websites.


Buses are an affordable option for traveling from Vienna to Bratislava. There are several bus companies operating on this route and the schedules are frequent. You can check the schedules and prices on the bus companies' websites.


If you are looking for a unique experience, you can consider taking a boat on the Danube River. Some companies offer day cruises from Vienna to Bratislava, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the river and explore both cities. You can get more information about schedules and prices on the cruise companies' websites.

What to see in Bratislava

Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, is a city full of charm and beauty. Here we present some places that you cannot miss during your stay:

Old City

The Old Town of Bratislava is the historic heart of the city and is full of cobblestone streets, charming squares and beautiful buildings. Here you will find Bratislava Castle, St. Martin's Cathedral and numerous cafes and restaurants where you can enjoy local cuisine.

San Miguel gate

St. Michael's Gate is one of the most recognizable symbols of Bratislava. This ancient fortified gate is a testament to the city's rich history and offers panoramic views from its tower.

Palacio de Grassalkovich

Grassalkovich Palace is the presidential residence of Slovakia and is known for its baroque architecture. You can stroll through the beautiful gardens that surround the palace and enjoy its beauty.

Plaza del Hviezdoslav

Hviezdoslav Square is one of the largest squares in Bratislava and is a popular place to relax and enjoy the atmosphere of the city. Here you will find theaters, restaurants and cafes, as well as the statue of the Slovak poet Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav.


1. What is the best transportation option to travel from Vienna to Bratislava?

The best transportation option depends on your preferences and budget. Trains are convenient and fast, while ferries offer a scenic experience. The buses are cheap and the boat cruises are unique. We recommend evaluating the different options and choosing the one that best suits your needs.

2. Do I need to book train tickets in advance?

If you want to ensure you get the best prices and guarantee your seat, we recommend booking train tickets in advance. However, it is also possible to purchase tickets on the same day, but prices may be higher and availability may be limited.


Traveling from Vienna to Bratislava is easy and convenient, with several transport options available. Trains offer frequent schedules and affordable prices, while ferries, buses and boats provide different experiences. Additionally, Bratislava has a host of interesting places to visit, from its charming Old Town to the imposing Grassalkovich Palace. We hope this guide has been useful to you in planning your trip. Enjoy your adventure in Vienna and Bratislava!

Until next time,

The ForTravelLovers team

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