How to get from Brussels to Amsterdam

How to get from Brussels to Amsterdam

Welcome to ForTravelovers, your source of trusted travel information. In this article, we will provide you with all the details you need to know about the transport options available to get from Brussels to Amsterdam, including schedules, prices and the possibility of buying cheap tickets. Let's get started!

transportation options

To travel from Brussels to Amsterdam, you have two main options: train and bus. Both options are convenient and offer different benefits, so it depends on your preferences and needs to choose the one that best suits you.


The train is a popular and comfortable option for traveling between these two cities. The duration of the train journey is approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes, and trains depart frequently throughout the day. You can enjoy beautiful landscapes during the journey and take advantage of the time to relax or work.

For information on train schedules and prices, we recommend visiting the official website of the national train company. There you will find all the options available, including round-trip tickets, special rates and discounts for students or groups.


If you prefer a cheaper option, the bus is a convenient alternative. Buses also offer frequent departures and the travel time is similar to that of the train. Additionally, some buses offer amenities like free Wi-Fi and outlets to charge your electronic devices.

For information on bus schedules and prices, we recommend visiting the websites of the bus companies operating on this route. There you will find all the options available, including round-trip tickets, special rates and discounts for children or seniors.

Times and prices

Schedules and prices may vary depending on the season and availability, so we recommend checking the official websites of the transport companies for updated information. However, for reference, here is a general idea of ​​average hours and prices:


Trains between Brussels and Amsterdam typically operate from early morning until late at night, leaving every hour or even more frequently during peak times. Train ticket prices can vary depending on the class and how far in advance you buy them, but on average you can expect to pay between 30 and 50 euros for a one-way ticket.


Buses between Brussels and Amsterdam also have frequent departures throughout the day, with cheaper prices compared to trains. On average, you can expect to pay between 15 and 30 euros for a one-way bus ticket.

How to buy cheap tickets?

If you are looking for cheap tickets for your trip from Brussels to Amsterdam, here are some useful tips:

  1. Book in advance: Tickets are usually cheaper if you buy them in advance, so plan your trip ahead of time.
  2. Consider flexible options: If you have availability of dates and times, you can find better deals on less popular days and times.
  3. Compare prices: Don't settle for the first option you find, compare prices at different companies and websites to find the best deal.
  4. Take advantage of discounts and promotions: Some transport companies offer special discounts for students, youth or groups, so be sure to check if you are eligible for any of these offers.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need to book tickets in advance?

Although it is not mandatory to book tickets in advance, we recommend doing so to ensure availability and get better prices. Tickets tend to sell out quickly, especially during peak periods such as weekends or holidays.

2. What is the duration of the train trip?

The duration of the train journey from Brussels to Amsterdam is approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. However, please note that this may vary depending on the type of train and intermediate stops.


Traveling from Brussels to Amsterdam is easy and convenient thanks to the transport options available. Both train and bus offer frequent schedules and reasonable prices. Remember to plan your trip in advance and compare prices to find the best deals. Enjoy your trip and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions!

Until next time,

The ForTravelovers team

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