How to go from Amsterdam to Bruges

How to go from Amsterdam to Bruges

If you are planning a trip from Amsterdam to Bruges, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need about the different transportation options available, as well as tips for finding tickets at affordable prices. Keep reading!

1. Travel by train

One of the most popular ways to travel from Amsterdam to Bruges is by train. There are several train companies that offer this service, such as Trainline and railcc. These platforms allow you to compare prices and schedules of different trains, so you can choose the option that best suits your needs.

The train journey from Amsterdam to Bruges usually takes around 3 hours, depending on the route and type of train you choose. The trains are usually comfortable and offer services such as Wi-Fi and plugs to charge your electronic devices. In addition, you can enjoy beautiful landscapes during the journey.

To buy train tickets at affordable prices, we recommend you book in advance and take advantage of the offers and discounts available. Platforms like Trainline and railcc often offer special promotions, especially if you book early.

2. Travel by bus

Another option to travel from Amsterdam to Bruges is by bus. Although travel time by bus is usually longer than by train, this option can be more economical for those looking to save money.

There are several bus companies that offer routes from Amsterdam to Bruges, such as Hellotickets and Buy Cheap Tickets. These platforms allow you to compare prices and schedules of different buses, so you can find the most convenient option for you.

The bus journey from Amsterdam to Bruges usually takes around 4 to 5 hours, depending on traffic and stops. However, many buses offer amenities such as reclining seats and Wi-Fi, so you can travel comfortably.

As with train tickets, we recommend booking your bus tickets in advance to get the best prices. Additionally, some bus companies offer special discounts for students or groups, so be sure to check if you are eligible for any of these offers.

3. Travel by car

If you prefer the freedom of driving yourself, you can also travel from Amsterdam to Bruges by car. The car trip usually takes around 2 and a half hours, depending on traffic and the route you choose.

For those wishing to rent a car, there are several car rental companies available in Amsterdam. You can book a car through platforms such as Omio and Viajes at the best prices, which allow you to compare prices and rental options.

Before setting off on your car trip, be sure to take into account additional costs such as tolls and parking in Bruges. Also, familiarize yourself with the traffic rules and road signs in Belgium to avoid any problems during your trip.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the fastest way to travel from Amsterdam to Bruges?

The fastest way to travel from Amsterdam to Bruges is by train. Travel time by train is usually approximately 3 hours, while by bus it can be 4 to 5 hours, depending on traffic. If you prefer comfort and speed, we recommend opting for the train.

2. What is the cheapest option to travel from Amsterdam to Bruges?

If you are looking for the cheapest option, traveling by bus is usually the best alternative. Although the travel time by bus is longer than by train, prices are usually lower. Additionally, some bus companies offer special discounts, especially for students or groups.


Traveling from Amsterdam to Bruges is an exciting experience, and now you have all the tools you need to plan your trip. Whether you choose to travel by train, bus or car, remember to book your tickets in advance to get the best prices. Enjoy your trip and discover the beauty of Bruges!

Until next time,

The team

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