Magnetic Island in Australia – Travel Guide

I already knew I was going to go to wonderful places on my backpacker along the Australian east coast, but Magnetic Island blew me away!

When I planned the itinerary, I chose to spend two nights there to break up the trip before heading to Mission Beach in Australia.

The first surprise was when I arrived at the hostel. I read on the internet that the hostel was on the beach, but I didn't imagine that my room would have a balcony facing the sea. What a view!!!

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Magnetic Island in Australia – Travel Guide

View from Hostel on Magnetic Island Australia

I left my backpack in the room and went for a walk around the island with the people I met at the hostel. Magnetic Island It's quite big, but there are buses that run almost all over the island.

It is possible to rent a car there as well. We were in a group of 5 and the rental was $15 Australian Dollars each to keep the car for 24 hours.

Magnetic Island in Australia – Travel Guide

Lookout at Magnetic Island Australia

With the island map in hand, we decided to go on a trail called The Forts Walk. We stopped at a viewpoint on the way, and we stayed there for a long time, enjoying that wonderful view. We continued walking along the trail and in less than 10 minutes we found a koala relaxing in a tree. I almost died of cuteness! We took a picture with our new friend that we named Earl. Earl was super curious about the GoPro and came very close to the lens.

Magnetic Island in Australia – Travel Guide

Selfie with koala at Magnetic Island Australia

Magnetic Island in Australia – Travel Guide

Koala on Magnetic Island Australia

This trail takes an hour and a half to two hours, round trip. We didn't do it all because it would start to get dark. Then we talked to other people at the hostel who also did this trail, and they all had also seen koalas.

On the way back from the trail we stopped at a supermarket and bought a hamburger to have a barbecue somewhere along the way. the good of Australia is that there is an automatic grill for free everywhere!

We went back to the hostel at night and there was a party going on. The party didn't end too late, but it was pretty cool. I met a lot of interesting people.

Magnetic Island in Australia – Travel Guide

Skate em Magnetic Island Australia

The next day I spent the day at the hostel resting. The hostel is huge, in addition to being located on the beach, it also has a pool. There was another party at the hostel at night, I went but I didn't stay much because I wanted to wake up early to enjoy the next morning before taking the ferry back.

I woke up at 7:30 in the morning, had breakfast and got a ride down the street to a part of the island called Geoffrey Bay, where I had read that there were a lot of baby kangaroos.

Magnetic Island in Australia – Travel Guide

Kangaroo on Magnetic Island Australia

Arriving there, I bought kangaroo food at a little store and went for a walk around the place. It didn't take long for a lot of kangaroo appeared, including a mother kangaroo with her baby in her pouch.

Magnetic Island in Australia – Travel Guide

Kangaroo on Magnetic Island Australia

Magnetic Island in Australia – Travel Guide

Kangaroos on Magnetic Island Australia

Magnetic Island It's a place I definitely recommend!

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What to do:

  • Snorkeling
  • Andar de Kayak
  • SCUBA Dive
  • Visit the other islands
  • Visit the Bungalow Bay Animal Sanctuary

Where to stay:

Base Hostel – Bed in a shared room from $30 Australian Dollars

Getting there:

Take a ferry from a town called Townsville. The ferry costs $32 Australian Dollars round trip.

Plan your trip:

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