The official language of Australia is not English!

But if not English, what is Australia's official language? Learn a little about Australian and take your adventures in Australia literally and in a good mood.

By: Larissa @hellolarissa

Google will tell you that the official language of Australia it's English, but Google doesn't know anything (or does it?!). Down under (reference to Australia) is spoken the Australian.

But what is Australian?

Australian is the Australian English, a mix between traditional English, other languages ​​and even immigration influences that over time were adapted and transformed, thus forming the current Australian way of talking.

The official language of Australia is not English!

Opera House in Sydney / Photo: Disclosure

Australian, at its core, describes the character and identity of what it means to be Australian. The language has a casual, casual and often even comical tone which is the perfect representation of the Aussie way of being: free, light and loose.

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Australian English had, and still has, as one of its biggest influencers the aboriginal languages. For example, the words boomerang, kangaroo and koala are of Aboriginal origin. Much of Australian is the accent and pronunciation, which tend to abbreviate and even change the end of several words (see examples below).

Slang, which is also a fundamental part of the language, contributes to a vocabulary that most Australians understand and use in their daily activities.

The official language of Australia is not English!

Australian Aborigines / Flickr: alexwon16

If the Australia it's your next destination and you don't know much about Australian, no worries (no problem). In urban centers and tourist areas it is usually not common to find people speaking English in the Australian way.

It is also worth noting that the Australia it's a multicultural country, and Australians are patient and more than used to people who don't speak ANY English or have super basic English.

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Anyway, it's always good to learn about the destination country. So, below is a list of the most common words and phrases (with translation) Australian English and a video with two Aussies talking about Australian.


  • Aussie: Australian
  • Avo: short version of 'avocado' (avocado)
  • Arvo: short version of 'afternoon' (afternoon)
  • Banger: 'sausage' (sausage)
  • Barby/Barbie: short version of 'barbecue' (barbecue)
  • Bikkie: short version of 'biscuit' (biscuit)
  • bloody: an adjective used for intensity. Ex: 'bloody hot' (extremely very hot!)
  • Bloody oath: absolutely absolutely true
  • brekkie: short version of 'breakfast'
  • Brolly: short version of 'umbrella' (umbrella)
  • Budgy smuggler: help
  • Bum: 'butt' (mother)
  • Buddy: friend
  • B.Y.O: short version of 'bring your own'. Ex: BYO alcohol (Bring Your Own Drink)
  • Cozzie: bikini or swimsuit
  • Cuppa: hot drink, usually in reference to tea
  • Chuck a sickie: when a person does not go to work and says he is sick and is not really sick, the person is said to 'chuck a sickie'
  • Chrissy: short version of 'Christmas' (Christmas)
  • flaw: short version of 'definitely' (definitely)
  • footy: short version of 'football' (Australian Football, very different to Españaeiro)
  • Fair dinkum: true, genuine
  • Fair go: give a chance
  • G’day: Hello good day
  • Good on you: very well/good for you
  • heaps: much. Ex: 'thanks heaps' (thanks a lot)
  • hubby: short version of 'husband' (husband)
  • Kiwi: someone from New Zealand
  • Loo: Restroom
  • Maccas: short version of McDonald's
  • Mate: friend
  • mozzie: mosquito
  • No worries: no problems
  • Ripper: a very good thing
  • Roo: short version of 'kangaroo' (kangaroo)
  • Stoked: very happy
  • Servo: short version of 'service station' (gas station)
  • sunnies: short version of 'sunglasses' (sunglasses)
  • Straya: short version of Australia
  • Ta: short version of 'thank you' (thanks)

And the video I mentioned above:

Na Australia English is spoken, right? Wrong! Want to know more? Do you have a phrase or word that we should add to our list? Leave a comment or visit @hellolarissa on insta.”

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